St. Patrick's Primary School

St. Patrick's Primary School

AGHAGALLON - Growing and Learning Together


Sacrament of Confirmation

On Wednesday 22nd January, our P7 children joined with pupils from St.Mary's, Derrymore and Ballinderry Primary school to make their Confirmation.  This was a beautiful ceremony celebrated by Bishop Alan McGuckian.  The P7s were a wonderful credit to our school, their parents, the parish community and themselves.  Well done P7s. 

Hannah McQuillan and family paid a visit to a Homeless Shelter in Dublin.  The McQuillan family had been raising funds and much needed and appreciated sleeping bags to help our Homeless community during this winter period.  Thank you for all your donations.

Computer Coding

The P7s have amazed us again with their fantastic coding work. Using Micro:bits and the Makecode app, they coded festive decorations and even managed to program the Micro:bit to play Jingle Bells!

Gymnastics in PE

Our P7s are thoroughly enjoying the gymnastic sessions in P.E this term.  Just look at those amazing balances! It also demonstrates how well our P7s work as team. 

Catherine from Young Entreprise will be working with the primary 7 pupils each Monday from now until Christmas as part of the  'Business Beginnings' programme. The boys and girls worked together to create their own juice carton from idea to design. There are definitely potential entrepreneurs in this class. A very creative bunch of children. Well done!

This week as part of Anti bullying Week and the theme 'Choose Respect' we explored the need to be careful with what we say as words hurt. We discussed both positive and negative words and the importance to think before we speak as once hurtful words have been spoken, the damage is done, we cannot take back what we say. Scars will remain, we might not be able to see them but they are like creases on a page. Therefore THINK before you speak! Is what has been said -  True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary or Kind?

P7 ‘do’ Halloween

The Iron Man

The P7 children have studied the language features used in the Iron Man by Ted Hughes and then created a prologue for the book in the same style.  They then created some amazing ‘Iron Men’ in art. Have a read of some of their brilliant pieces by clicking the links.


 iron man 2.docxDownload
 The Iron Man (1).docxDownload
 the iron man.docxDownload
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As a treat for our Primary 7 pupils after their Service of Light on Tuesday evening we made 'Ghost Toast' and made some Halloween artwork. We are so proud of our boys and girls, they spoke their mass responses so clearly and sang so beautifully. It was a lovely evening. They are a credit to their families. Well done.

Sunday was our Active Aghagallon Fun Run. Some of our primary 7 pupils took part to raise much needed funds for our school. They had a great day, receiving goody bags, medals and of course, most importantly a Homework Pass for the week. Well done everyone!

One of the most important agenda items at the start of the year is to discuss our roles and responsibilities.  P7 have looked at the key UN Rights of the Child.  They then used Adobe Express to create posters suitable for the younger children.

Friday the 13th may be unlucky for some BUT NOT in P7! Today we joined a Live Adobe lesson with 50 other schools to celebrate World Roald Dahl Day. We created a wanted Poster for a R.D villain, inserted text,online images and even used AI to generate our images.  We then used the video option to make a mini video for Kenning poems we created.